Quick Travel Games      

       Quick Travel Games  

  NAME   DESCRIPTION                     
The object is to complete the alphabet first, before anyone else.  As you see letters on billboards & license plates you shout out your letter and point. Once a letter has been claimed other players cannot use the same letter. You can make it harder by limiting the game to only license plates or billboard signs.
  One person states they are either a person, place or thing and the others then ask questions: (are you blue, can you speak, do you bark, can you be eaten, etc - yes/no answers only) until they guess what the person is, then they are next. "Does it know how to read?" is a valid question, but "What's its favorite book?" is not. Often called "Twenty Questions" because 20 is the question limit before the game is over.
ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS/ODDS-EVENS   * Rock, Paper, Scissors: Two players each put one hand behind their backs. Each person turns that hand into a scissors, using the index and middle fingers; or paper, by holding the hand flat with the fingers straight; or a rock, by making a fist. Both players say "One, two, three," and show their hands. The scissors beats paper because it cuts paper. Paper wins over rock because it can wrap up the rock. And rock beats scissors because it makes them blunt.
* Odds-Evens: Two players pick either "odds" or "evens." Then they make a fist, shake it, say, "One, two, three...shoot," and stick out one or two fingers. If the total is an odd number, the player who picked odds wins. Same goes for evens.
LICENSE PLATE GAMES   * ID Game: See how many different states you can identify on license plates.
* Letters Game: The goal is to come up with a phrase using the letters on another car's plate. So if you see the plate LGF 823, the first person to call out a somewhat logical phrase such as "Let's Go Fishing" or "Large Green Frog" earns a point.
ALPHABET SIGNS   One person chooses the right side of the road and the other person has the left. The object of the game is to cite all of the letters of the alphabet in order, from a to z. Only one letter per sign.  The person on the left side usually has to sit sideways and read signs as they recede. The first person to z wins.
ANIMALS/CITIES/REGIONS   In this game you take turns naming animals, cities, or other regions. Each person names another animal (no repeating) that starts with the last letter of the last animal named. This game can be played with cities (as we get older) or geographical regions (as we get older still!). There is also an 'expert' version where all the geographical regions must start and end with an 'a' (AsiA, Aegean SeA, AmericA, AtlantA, etc.).
START WITH AN "A"   Starting with A, each person tries to be the first to spot and name three items beginning with that letter. For example, the first to see and announce "armadillo, auto and apple" gets to choose the next letter.
THE ANIMAL GAME   This game is best played on long car trips through the country, because animals are in more abundance. Everyone in the car plays and looks for certain animals alongside the road. The animals looked for are ONLY the domesticated kind, because birds would be almost impossible and the game would be over too fast and would be too boring. As one person spots an animal, they say the sound the animal makes and receive a certain amount of points for that animal. ex: cow--moo!, horse-neigh, cat-meow.... etc. 
The points are given on the difficulty of the animal that was spotted: cow-1, horse-1, dog-1, sheep-2, llama-3, cat-3, donkey-3, pig-4 (rarely seen, except on REALLY long trips). Anything else spotted everyone must agree on the amount of points given. The game is usually played until a player gets to a certain amount. A 10 point game lasts about a half-hour in the countryside. 
STINKY PINKY   "Stinky Pinky" is a riddle where the answer is two rhyming words.
Here are some examples: A giant rodent? (Fat Rat): A noisy group of people? (Loud Crowd): A bug dessert? (Fly Pie): A cow's sneaker? (Moo Shoe): A silly hare? (Funny Bunny): Click for our Kabubble created Stinky Pinky challenge.